Thursday, March 26, 2020

Reiki Focuses Us on the Positive in Life.

                I love where I live in the Colorado Rockies, it is a true blessing in my life.  Whenever I want a soul re-energizing hike I head to a nearby trail where the energy in the forest is both magical and restorative.  Each time I hike this trail, I make sure to stop at the smiley face log.  It serves as a great reminder in life-looking for the positive wherever we are.  As many times as I have hiked this trail, it never fails to bring a smile to my face when I see it.
                 The ability to focus on the positive is an especially important quality now in the time of self-quarantine, economic uncertainty and other worries one may carry around with them.   I find the daily practice of Reiki including Reiki mediation allows me to stay in a positive place.  It also keeps me healthy both mentally and physically by increasing my chi-or source of positive energy in myself.

                Reiki always moves me into a place of optimism and vitality.  I am seeing so many positive developments in this time of COVID-19.  I see my neighbors and community working to help others without expecting anything in return.  Families and friends are reconnecting on a more profound level, and some have not connected in a very long time.  Creativity is expanding all around us.   In my neighborhood alone, several business owners have established their shops on their front porches using the honor system. Another neighbor is working to set up a meditation group to help others.   Kids are involved in projects for an assisted living community. I see us coming out of this situation in a more positive place than when we entered it and that excites me.

                Sure there are many things around us that are still negative and will remain so.  Reiki helps us to choose to stay focused on the positive.   For me, it keeps long term anger, fear, doubt and illness out of my life.  I do not spend time getting upset by Facebook trolls and fake news, I am guided to move to more healthy interchanges. I am filled with confidence, compassion, hope and love and offer the negative emotions to the Holy Fire to heal.  Give Reiki a try and see how it changes your life for the better!